6th Grade Unit 1

Unit 1 - Collection, Display and Interpretation of Data

Lesson 1.1 - The Student Reference Book
Lesson 1.2 - Line Plots
Lesson 1.3 - Stem-and-Leaf Plots
Lesson 1.4 - Median and Mean
Lesson 1.5 - Playing Landmark Shark
Lesson 1.5a - Box Plots
Lesson 1.6 - Broken-Line Graph
Lesson 1.7 - Bar Graphs
Lesson 1.8 - Step Graphs
Lesson 1.9 - The Percent Circle and Circle Graphs
Lesson 1.10 - Using a Graph to Investigate Perimeter and Area
Lesson 1.11 - Persuasive Data and Graphs
Lesson 1.12 - Samples and Surveys
Lesson 1.13 - Progress Check 1